The teachers were taken on another 'field trip' to see where the money earned at the school goes. One of the organizations that 'Conversations with Foreigners' partners with is the French NGO Teuksaat (1001 Fountains). This organization works to improve the health of communities in rural Cambodia by producing and distributing safe drinking water. We are taken to one of many local facilities where water is sourced, purified, bottled and then distributed for minimal cost to the local village. In addition, the local school receives one 20 liter bottle of drinking water for each classroom each day. It's informative to learn about the collection and purification process and so wonderful to see the local school. Children are children all over the world - growing, learning, running, laughing, playing. The school is by western standards very simple with few resources, but the children are active and seem happy. After the visit we stopped at a local market to pick up some food and go for a short boat ride to a local lake where we have a picnic and a lovely couple of hours. It's so nice to be out of the city!
Here are a couple short videos we took while peeking through an open window of a rural school near the water treatment faciltiy that we visited. What a traffic jam of bikes at closing time. CWF provides money for water treatment in this area, and part of that donation provides safe drinking water for each classroom in this school.