Mar 1 - Phelps Trail to Taconic to Mills Hollow (snowshoes) We totally lost the trail coming up the Phelps trail, but eventually reconnected near the top. On the way down the melting snow wreaked havoc with Billy's snowshoes forming an iceball beneath the foot that needed to be knocked off every 20 feet.
Mar 5 - Leominster State Forest with ?? club (snowshoes) On the way down to Connecticut we join a different hiking club for a snowshoe through their local forest. It was a fast paced walk and we think the forests near us are much more beautiful! Gotta love those Massachusetts accents!
Mar 5-9 - Connecticut and Long Island Visit, Southold Beach Runs and Walks It's down to Connecticut to see Greg, Jess and Flint and then over to Long Island to see the rest of the family.
Miscellaneous: Ann at the Food Fit class, Being silly while doing our pickup at Walmart for the Food Kitchen, An Amaryllis with vibrant red color to brighten up the winter, A trip to the Sugar Shack to see how maple syrup is made.
Mar 17 - Paran Frost Trail (microspikes)
Mar 19 - Route 346 to Taconic Crest (microspikes)
Mar 24 - Taconic Crest at Lanesborough (snowshoes) We had had a storm with wind the day before and this hike had some big drifts to plow through and since no one had been out before us, we had to make the trail through the snow the whole day. A hard hike but quiet and beautiful in the forest.
Mar 25 - Puzzle Party A cold, rainy day makes for a good time to invite people over for a jigsaw puzzle party. Then here it is completed a couple of weeks later.
Mar 26 - Little Pond to the Long Trail (microspikes and snowshoes) It was getting to be the time of year when you aren't sure whether you'll need microspikes or snowshoes - we used both on this hike for different sections of the walk.
Mar 28 - Bike the Ashiwilticook Trail 90% of the snow was gone from the bike trail with only a few patches in shaded sections. We were so lucky to see this curious otter who chattered with us for quite some time before swimming away.
Apr 4 - Pine Valley (microspikes)
Apr 6 - Trailwork on the Long Trail north toward Glastonbury (microspikes) It was our introduction to Hubey and his chain saw and there were lots of blow-downs! We loved being up in the fog.
Apr 7 - Jamaica State Park with Amy's group (microspikes) It was an icy, slippery walk but with microspikes it was manageable.
Apr 13 - Trailwork on Harmon Hill (microspikes) It was a steep walk up the rock steps to Harmon Hill, a good lunch with a view, lots of cutting and sawing, beer from atv riders, and a walk down with an unexpected ride in a mud-bogging enormous vehicle!
Apr 15-17 - Flint, Jess and Janet visit - so great to have them here! Baking cookies, throwing sticks in the river, watching the fish at the hatchery, visiting the Bennington Monument.
Apr 21 - bike ride around the local area on a beautiful day!
April 22 - Having a Tree Removed What a procudure - these guys really know their business!!
Apr 25 - Painting the Nauheim Shelter
-April 29 - Puzzle Time
May 3-8 Long Island and Connecticut visit Helping to take care of Flint while mom goes mountain biking in Utah!
May 11 - Bike Ride Up hills, down hills, oh my aching legs!!!
May 12 - Putney Mountain to Pinnacle with Amy's group It's snowing while going over the mountain and we're wondering why we're driving all this way... But it turns out that the snow and rain stop and it's a fun hike. The vista from Pinnacle is stunning.
May 13 - Mile Around Woods - eradicate invasive species
May 14 - Woodford to Bald Mountain trailwork We have adopted the Woodford Hollow trail to Bald Mountain so we're out doing trail work - cutting blowdowns, trimming bushes, etc. The wildflowers are starting to bloom and we see one species of the trillium, interesting lichen on trees, and the 'bear tree' where we see claw marks where a bear has climbed the tree to get the beech nuts at the top.
May 18 - Greylock hike with Tim There are many trails up Greylock - ???
May 26 - Tenney Hill The Green Mountain Club had their annual meeting, so we took our tent and camped at the event. It was very informative to find how the club functions, what their next projects are, and to meet people who are passionate about keeping the Long Trail in good condition. The mosquitos were horrible and we decided to leave on Saturday late afternoon rather than wait until Sunday. We did a lovely hike with a few members of the club.