Volunteer in Cambodia takes about 60% of the profits of the Conversations With Foreigners school and funnels the money into partner organizations to help development in rural Cambodia. One of the organizations is ASA which works to help farmers establish organic farms. All of us volunteers went on a trip to view one of the farms. A bus ride took us about 1.5 hours outside of Phnom Penh to a vegetable farm where we got a tour of the farm and then were given a picnic lunch under a stand of trees. The land around the farm was parched and dry as this is the dry season, so it's amazing to see how the land springs into a lush green with some irrigation. Later in the rainy season this land will produce rice. The farmers are optimistic, but face challenges. They only have one non-airconditioned van to transport produce to the city, so by the time the van is stuffed full, a percentage of the goods are damaged before they can reach the markets. The surrounding countries of Vietnam and Thailand have bigger commercial farms and can supply rice and other produce at a cheaper cost than local Cambodian goods. Cambodia is finding niche markets that are not supplied by surrounding countries. The people at the farm and village were super friendly and went to great lengths to provide an extensive lunch which included a lot of their local produce. Mats on the ground and one table were sufficient to serve the 14 volunteers and 20 or so local people including farmers, wives, and children.
Here are a few facts about some of the other partner organizations that work with Volunteer in Cambodia.
1001 Fountains is a French NGO that provides a high quality service to rural communities. Their mission is to improve the health of rural communities in rural Cambodia by establishing and supporting sustainable social enterprises, which produce and distribute safe-drinking water locally within villages and guarantee water quality.
CWDCC (Children and Women Development Center Cambodia) works to improve the quality of life for women, children and the poor.
Capex World works to develop areas of education, clean energy, agriculture, healthcare, and water/sanitation.
NGO Education Partnership (NEP) is a membership organisation that coordinates dialogue and cooperation among key stakeholders to improve the quality and accessibility of education in Cambodia.